Category Archives: Thoughts

On the way to Sonoma

So the trip began with a flight delay. What was amusing/annoying was the reason for the delay. They claimed that there was too much fog in San Francisco so the flow rate into the airport was reduced. I get that. So we take off with a half hour delay. But then we arrive early! Very confusing.

Anyway, we then have the joy–nay, the privilege–to wait in line to pay for the rental car that we already paid via the Internet. Perhaps it’s the economy or maybe the status quo but it seems as though all of the salespeople were wearing suits in the hope that they can sell you more stuff that you would have bought already if you wanted it. I would go so far to say that the guy we had gave us the hard sell to NOT get an economy car because it didn’t have power locks or windows. Su and I both thought do they even make cars without power anything anymore? Suffice it to say that after we didn’t upgrade the guy who showed us to the car(also wearing a suit) tried to scare us to get the insurance fee protection (this isn’t insurance) which we also refused.

We met up with Don for an early dinner at Monks Kettle which is a great restaurant with 20 draft beers in the Mission district. Area looks a bit dodgy but hard to argue with the fare. Summary: pepper crusted bacon is awesome.

So as we stopped to figure out directions we turned on the hazard lights. Little did we know that we wouldn’t be able to turn them off(thank you automobile industry). Not wanting to spend the rest of the trip with the constant clicking and flashing we made our way back to the airport to get a new car. We traded our chevy ? for a Nissan versa. Jury is still out on whether or not we traded down.

And I almost forgot the best part. On the way back to the airport we were pulled over by the police because of the lights. At least we got a discount from Enterprise for the hassle.

Drive to Sonoma from that point was largely uninteresting other than Google Maps giving us the wrong directions for the last turn.

California here I come

Su and I are getting ready for a trip to Napa and Sonoma Valley by making space in the wine fridges. It’s a tough job, but somebody has to do it. Starting Sunday night, I will be doing daily write-ups of our activities and all the specifics of the wines we like and dislike. Stay tuned.

Back to the land of the iPhone

Well, I went about a week+ to see how my life would be without the light of the iPhone.  I was hemming and hawing quite a bit on whether or not get a new iPhone.   Why? Here are the reasons:

  1. I need more space than 16GB to just store my music and only the iPod Touch was being sold with that amount of memory. What would be the point of upgrading if I still can’t have all of my music on the device?
  2. You say the new iPhone has GPS. But Apple did such a good job with the upgraded software that the cell/wifi location mechanisms work pretty awesomely. So much so that the Apple Store guy last night was trying to convince us that the Touch had a GPS chip (which it doesn’t).
  3. For some reason, they no longer bundled the SMS plan in the monthly data plan. Now I wouldn’t have minded so much if Apple had delivered the Push Notification Service; alas, that project has blown up and so SMS or email is the only way to get notified if those applications are not in the foreground.

So why did I break down and get a new iPhone last night? Here are the reasons:

  1. The major reason was predicated on the fact that I had an old iPhone and feature to feature it was good enough.
  2. Have you tried SMS on an old style phone? It’s brutal. T9 helps, but the menu navigation is really tough.
  3. I miss the alarm system. I was forgetting to do things because my alarms weren’t firing.
  4. I couldn’t play games on the train.
  5. For listening to music, I had an old classic classic iPod and that was annoying because the pause button on the headset didn’t work. I still had to unlock it and use the wheel.
  6. It would be more convenient to do iPhone development rather than just using the simulator. That being said, I probably could have borrowed the girlfriend’s iPhone, but I wasn’t really comfortable with that.
  7. I had to use the Apple TV IR remote which just isn’t as cool or usesful as the Remote program

Were there an positives of the old phone?

  1. SMS messages were sent faster. Took about 1 second whereas an iPhone takes a couple seconds (probably just to animate that bar).
  2. I don’t get the double SMS message, which seemed to plague the iPhone
  3. My battery charge lasted most of a week.

Final thoughts? Well, the week was rough but I made it. I was kind of disappointed that the Apple Retail Store dude didn’t know the product line. And yes, I locked my iPhone with the code and the erase after 10 retries so that I won’t have to worry about my data again.

Farewell iPhone — I hardly knew ya

Well, today I got my iPhone stolen.

To say that I’m angry doesn’t really tell the whole tale.  I use the device for a lot.  Hopefully at this point, I’ve disabled all the accounts/passwords/etc. that are on the device.  Let me tell you.  I’m feeling pretty stupid for not having the pin code + erase after 10 bad pins settings enabled.  I really don’t like the idea that someone else can see all of my data.

But wait, you say, doesn’t AT&T already know if the phone is being used and can’t they triangulate to find them?  Can’t Apple use the serial id of the phone to see when it’s connecting on a wifi hotspot?  The answer is of course they could, but they don’t want to get into all the privacy violation scenarios (at least that is my guess).  I can’t even do a remote wipe because it isn’t an enterprise phone.  I thought the whole point of Mobile Me was that it would be exchange for the masses.  Well, I’m part of the masses and not being able to do that just tweaks me.

Anyway, in the hopes that Apple/AT&T will actually put some procedures in place to find the device in the future, here is the relevant info:

serial No. IMEI
7S726MT0WH8 011245002821849

Football Blues

Why so sad?

Let me list the causes:

I’m virtually last in my fantasy league with zero chance of seeing any return on my money.

The bears need a small miracle to make it to the playoffs.

Too many non Sunday afternoon football games. For example the bears played on last thursday and will not play again until Monday. The worst part of that is that they could be knocked out before their game starts with a Vikings win.

Anyway, I’ll be metaphorically doing some live animal sacrifice to ensure a positive outcome.

Football Fun

Well, the Bears (expectedly) dominated the Rams today and so it put me in a good mood about football. So much so that I watched the second double-header game on FOX and I wasn’t even drunk. As it turns out, that was a pretty good game between the two top teams (Giants and Cardinals).

As luck would have it, I was lucky to see that following the second game one of the best football movies was starting on one of the many HBO channels: The Replacements.

Why is this one of the best football movies? To be sure, almost every football movie (be it slapstick or otherwise) is pretty awesome. What I find special about The Replacements is that it is funny, with a little romance, and incorporates real people like John Madden.

Madden has so many great quotes that you can imagine him saying during a real broadcast (and no, I’m not referring to any turducken).

The fat Japanese player(ex-sumo) ends up catching a tipped pass and runs it down the field for a TD. Madden quote: “I love it when the fat guy scores. Because then you get a fat guy dance.” Madden isn’t exactly svelt so you get what I mean.

The kicker makes a big field goal and gets tackled by a defenseman (brilliantly acted Jon Favreau). Madden: “There’s an old saying in football. Don’t do anything great unless you can handle the congratulations.” What made this especially funny is that Pat Summerall didn’t get it. If you’ve watched them together (and sorry if you missed it, but they were officially split up several years ago), you know that Pat Summerall didn’t get it a lot.

This isn’t the first movie where Gene Hackman took an underrated sports team and motivated them for greatness. And I would be remiss if I didn’t say that Hoosiers had a lot of great quotes, but the subject here is football and the character is Jimmy McGinty. He motivates the QB by letting him know that “When the game is on the line, winners always want the ball.” Near the end of the film, after Falco(Keanu) return to play for the second half he points out to the replacement players “They have underestimated you. There is no tomorrow. And that makes you very dangerous people.” which is subsequently repeated by John Madden.  And if you’re a Bond fan, you also know that though “Tomorrow never dies”, it sure can create some crappy  movies.

I’ll give one more nod to Orlando Jones who plays a fast but incompetent wide receiver. When the key game is on the line, the coach covers his hands in glue and Orlando (Clifford Franklin) says: “I look like I just jacked off an elephant.” Trust me, it’s funny when you see it. Aside from that, his added value is acting like an idiot and teaching the team how to dance to Gloria Gaynor’s “I will survive”.

And without further ado…”Ladies and gentlemen, number 16 in your program, but number 1 in your hearts”.  Keanu Reeves plays the funny, smart and all-around good guy Shane Falco. He really makes the movie believable (more even than Madden) because he plays football *and* knows how to lead the team. Perhaps my #1 movie quote (and I’m even including Heavy Metal in this) is: “Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. And glory…lasts forever.” Don’t get me wrong. Keanu has had some stinkers, but this movie was fresh and enjoyable and he was perfectly cast. To sum up Jimmy: “Greatness, no matter how brief, stays with a man.”

Now as might be obvious, I like movies and movie quotes. I mentioned that there were a lot of great football movies. In fact, I think most of them are great. So, for your nostalgic pleasure here is a list of them (in no particular order).

  • Any Given Sunday
  • Necessary Roughness
    • I know you guys are tired and hurt but let me tell you one thing. If we get into that end zone, you won’t feel any pain.
  • Rudy
  • Best Of Times — ok, not great, but you have to like the Kurt Russell scene where he always wins when he wears white shoes
  • The Longest Yard — the original, not the Adam Sandler debacle
  • Friday Night Lights — the music and the acting were just plain awesome — Billy Bob’s best work
  • Remember The Titans
    • All right, now, I don’t want them to gain *another yard!* * You blitz…all…night!* If they cross the line of scrimmage, I’m gonna take every last one of you out! You make sure they remember, *forever*, the night they played the Titans!
    • I think this is a very good time for prayer and reflection… Coach, I’m hurt. I’m not dead.
    • Left side. Strong side.
  • Wildcats
    • It’s the sport of kings, better than diamond rings…football.
  • Varsity blues
    • We have the chance to play like gods.
  • Invincible
    • Eagles. Eagles. Eagles.
  • We Are Marshall
  • The Waterboy
  • The Program

Now I may have missed someone’s favorite football movie, but in case someone thinks that absence of the name means it’s ok, I want to specifically flag the following crap football movies:

  • Leatherheads

The Beatles keep rocking

So I was a bit despondent over the Bears losing on Sunday. What cheers me up the most? Hard to say but I do like music (and by association musicals). So I went to my trusty DVR and fired up ‘Across the Universe’ mean I kept meaning to watch but was never in the right mood. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Sure there were going to be Beatles remixes. (I had heard some of them from iTunes previewing already). But beyond that I really didn’t know.
Well, I have to say that I was really surprised and delighted with the movie. They really integrated the music with the ’60s counter-culture story they were trying to tell. I don’t know if all the actors did their own singing (because the dubbing looked funny and hey, that could be the delay on my DLP tv), but I really liked the story and my mood definitely was more upbeat.

To summarize the ‘Beatles aspect’ of the movie, you basically have a British guy(Paul Sturgess) who looks exactly like Paul McCartney (or George Harrison, honestly they all looked very similar with that haircut back then) he is named Jude. So go figure, somebody sings ‘Hey Jude’. Oddly enough, the lead female was named Lucy but there was only ‘Lucy in the sky with diamonds’ in the credits. I guess it’s like of like the Queen musical ‘We Will Rock You’ where they didn’t know how to fit in Bohemian Rhapsody in the story so they just sang it at the end because everyone wanted to hear the song. There were also characters named Prudence, Sadie, Max, etc.

Also in the news lately is that Harmonix (the makers of Rock Band) and the Beatles have signed an agreement so that their music will be available in some type of game/learning device in about a year. I love their music so I think this is pretty exciting news. Even though half of them are dead, music lives on and the Beatles keep rocking.