Category Archives: Uncategorized

iPad for an iPhone

Today I left home without my iPhone. Why? What Lunacy crept into me over the night?

The short answer is that my iPhone is having all kinds of stability issues and this morning I decided to wipe the slate clean with a full factory install. And in order to get to work at some reasonable hour I had to leave the phone to probably keep syncing for another hour or two. (was that the short answer?)

Anyway, this should be an interesting test of the wifi only iPad. This will allow me to read email and chat at work. The only downside is no SMS. But between all of those chat programs on wifi I should be able to coordinate all of my post work activities while still at work.

Da Bears Blow Up Again

After looking phenomenal in the first quarter, the Chicago Bears managed to lose a very important game against the Minnesota Vikings. I was really annoyed when the announcer quoted coach Lovie Smith as saying “the Bears dominated the first half.” That being said, the coach (when questioned about going for it on 4th down with inches to the Goal) stated if you can’t make that play, you don’t deserve to win. Apparently, they didn’t deserve to win.